You are hereCreating an ASAP in the Find 'em All Initiative

Creating an ASAP in the Find 'em All Initiative

This information is for Online Research and Data Input Contractors.

ASAP is short for American SPARX Account Profile.

This is a file kept by SPARX on people in America who are related to SPARX.

While working lists in order to find players, the general goal is to Create an ASAP.  An ASAP is created when we can add, at least, a possible phone number, or numbers, and a physical address to a players name.

When we have a players name, address and phone number we effectively create an ASAP.

A file is created and one piece of paper is printed out which will show all ASAP information.

It is this file, and piece of paper that SPARX uses to pursue the player.

ASAPs are created as a part of the Find 'em All Initiative .

since 12/4/2018

 SPARX Video Network Preview


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In 1990 I sold 'em on VHS

2000 DVD

2015 thumb drive

2018 Google Drive it!

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