You are hereSPARX 7 on 7 Football Playing Rules
SPARX 7 on 7 Football Playing Rules
We will follow actual PIAA High School Football Playing rules except for the exceptions outlined below..
1. No tackling - pull flags. Currently considering just one hand touch.
2. We will use a Wilson TDY 1300 ball.
3. We will have the option to punt.
A. Center must snap the punt back
B. No rush on the punt.
4. We will kick off.
A. From the 20 yard line.
B. On sides kicks are allowed after the ball travels 10 yards.
5. We will kick extra points.
A. Extra point worth 1 point kicked..
6. Blocking is not allowed but "Setting Picks" is. Same rules as in basketball.
A. Running into a pick illegally is called a "Blocking Infraction" - 5 yard penalty.
B. Dangerously running into a pick is called a "Dangerous Blocking Infraction". - 15 yards spot foul.
C. A moving pick is also a blocking infraction.
7. We will play 4 twelve minute quarters.
8. We will kick field goals.
A. Field goal is worth 3 points.
B. If the field goal is missed, it cannot be run back. It will be spotted at the original line of scrimage and possession will change.
C. If the field goal is good the field goal kicking team will then kick off to the other.
D. Field goal will be handled a bit differently than in High School. If a team decides it wants to go for a field goal, the ball will be put on the line of scrimage on a Tee. 4 offensive players will be behind the kickoff with no purpose. The defense can line up 7 yards off the line of scrimage, not approach any further and put up their hands to block the kick. If the field goal is maide, its 3 points, if missed the ball comes back to the original line of scrimage. A field goal attempt cannot be returned by the opposing team.
9. We will play on a field that is 60' yards in length.
A. The end zones will be 5 yards deep.
B. The playing field will be 50 yards long and 50 yards Wide.
10. Quarterback cannot run the ball unless he hands off, and then get the ball handed back.
11. Immediate rush is allowed but the rusher must start from 7 yards away from the line of scrimage.