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Team Philosophy

Our team philosopy is to try to be the best team we can be in our age group classification.  Please note management will constantly be attempting to develop every girl listed on the roster, while, at the same time, keeping our eyes open for new recruits that could help the team.

We are a SPARX Sports team.  Our team motto will the the same as SPARX SPorts "We Play to Win!".  Please note, we also realize very few teams win them all.  We will teach our players that there IS a proper way to lose.  Here are some of our rules we will ask our players to follow if, and when, they lose a game.

1.  Control your temper.  Don't do something stupid.  Never throw or hit anything.

2.  Understand that, while you lost, your opponent won.  They will feel happy about that.  They deserve that joy.  Respect your opponent and congratulate them on a game well played.  There is nothing worse than a sore loser.

3.  You are, however, allowed to think and, maybe even say, "we are going to  get you next time", if you believe that to be so.

4.  Be willing to learn from your mistakes.  Spend some time thinking about why you lost.  Think about  what you can do "next time" that will ensure a better outcome?  Learn what those things are, practice them, make them your goal to fix.

5.  Understand the delicate balance between taking a loss well, and thnking consistant losing and underperforming is somehow acceptable.  There has to be a certain amount of distain for losing, but don't let it overwhelm you.  Especially if you find you can practice better, work harder, care more, and win the next time.

6.  Try to find joy in the fact that you just played a very well played, organized, competetive game with a bunch of really talented players.  That in itself is a cool, good, fun, and worthwhile thing to do.

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