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Description of Product

DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT THE MOST POPULAR TYPE OF PRODUCT PURCHASED AT IS COLLEGE FOOTBALL GAME FILMS ON DVD OR VHS. BELOW IS INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT. You are buying College Football Game Films Transferred from 16mm film on to DVD or VHS. Information about Games played from the 1920's to 1989 - I transfer mostly 16mm game films to VHS video tape, or DVD. The games are usually not recorded with original audio so I add a music soundtrack from the era in which the game was played or you will hear college band music, or you may hear simulated crowd sounds, or you may hear no audio at all. Game films, on average, last about 30 to 40 minutes. I can fit up to 2 hours and 42 minutes (always recorded in SP mode) worth of footage on one video tape; meaning, I can fit about 4-5 games on one video tape. DVDs hold 2 hours of video ( usually I record in the SP mode, or the XP mode when possible. Never LP or EP. Most games are preceded by a video graphic indicating which game is to follow. Some games have no graphic introduction at all but all are labeled outside on the DVD or the VHS Tape. Games played from 1990 to the present - More recent games are shot live in color mastered on VHS, SVHS, MII, Beta or other masters. I transfer these formats on to DVD, VHS Video. Some games have Broadcasters. Some games have only field sounds including the PA announcer. Most games have no relevant sound. Here is some more general information about your product. Sometimes, the game you ordered is on a DVD, VHS, Beta, SVHS, or other master. This master is used to create your copy. Please note, sometimes, you may see your game on your DVD or VHS tape which is then preceded by another game. It could be any game. This is because this additional game footage follows your game on the master tape. I have made a conscious decision to just leave these games on your copy. I don't know why this seems to freak "a certain brand of customer" out. But please know it may be there. My thoughts are, it is just an additional free game. Maybe you actually will be interested in the game... what da heck? It's FREE. If not, just press the STOP button on your player. A small minority of games offer a "TV" type presentation, described as having video of the game and announcers commenting on the football action. Some of my games have a produced sound track. These games have, what I call, relevant sound. In other words, the audio relates to the video. For these presentations Check out my list of Produced Athletic Films If you would like a better, and more specific description of the game you are interested in, email WDR at or call 717-732-5643.

 SPARX Video Network Preview


Add flair to your purchase, and make it a collectible with a custom DVD sleeve and labels.
We pair up the silent video with a radio broadcast to give you the full AV experience!



In 1990 I sold 'em on VHS

2000 DVD

2015 thumb drive

2018 Google Drive it!

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